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Learning outcomes:

The aim of the course is to introduce the concepts and the techniques of Discrete Mathematics that are essential to Computer Science as they constitute the tools necessary to cope with problems in communication and information technology.
Upon successful completion the students will be able to:

  • Understand the discrete structures underlying the formulation of problems in informatics and communication technology.
  • Understand the mathematical concepts necessary to formulate the algorithms for solving representative problems in computer science and computer networking.
  • Possess the necessary mathematical background to advance the study of courses such as Algorithms and Data Structures, Foundation of Computer Science, Theory of Computation, Languages and Compilation.

General Skills:

The general skills that are acquired upon completion of the course are:

  • Work Autonomously
  • Work in an International Context
  • Work in a Multidisciplinary Context

Course Contents:

Sets. Inclusion-Exclusion principle. Mathematical induction. Propositional calculus. Relations and functions. Logic and Boolean functions. Graph theory. Algorithms on graphs. Connected components. Euler circuits and paths. Hamilton circuit and the travelling salesman problem. Planar graphs. Trees and tree structures. Applications to computer science problems. Finite state machines. Regular expressions. Regular languages and recognition by finite state automata.