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Learning outcomes:

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of computer graphics. We will explore raster algorithms in 2D and 3D, coordinate transformations, projections, lighting/shading, and ray-tracing. We will use OpenGL in this course so when you complete the course, you should understand how to use basic OpenGL and also write a simple ray-tracer. The course will start with how to take mathematical equations into algorithms. We will then study the fundamentals of computer graphics such as rasterization, transformations, hidden-surface removal, lighting, texture mapping and ray-tracing. The objection is a fundamental understanding of computer graphics methods as well as practical OpenGL programming abilities.

General Skills:

The general skills that are acquired upon completion of the course are:

  • Work Autonomously
  • Work in Teams
  • Work in an International Context
  • Work in a Multidisciplinary Context

Course Contents:

  • Vectors, parametric/implicit, RGB colors
  • Lines, circles, barycentric cords, rasterization
  • Overview of OpenGL Fixed-function vs. shader-based pipeline
  • Rasterization
  • Transformations
  • 3D Transformations and matrix stacks
  • Z-buffer
  • Lighting
  • OpenGL Overview Shaders
  • Texture Mapping